Sunday 25 November 2012

Losing money but winning - sort of.

Cock Up 1

At the same session at Planet Hollywood I saw two expensive cock - ups, one I was involved in and one I was not.
In the first, there was a fair bit of money in the middle after the flop had run out 4 - 4 - 5. The betting had reduced the field to two players and the turn brought another 5 and there was another raise reraise until there was around $250 dollars in the middle.
The river was a 7.
Now the guy who was first to act bets $40 dollars, and the other guy raises him to $80. The guy that was first to go asks him how many chips he has left and the guy pushes his chips out in front of him showing a stack of round about $150. The first guy pushes all his chips into the middle and says "I,m all in and I've got quads" and tables pocket 4's.
The 2nd guy to act says "I never called" and shows his 7, 5 for a full house!
Floorman is called and he agrees the guy just put his chips out in front of him to show him his stack, no call and the guy mucks.$150 dollars saved from what would have been an instacall.

Cock Up 2

I'd only sat down with some chips left over from the previous session and got involved in a couple of unsuccessful hands so my stack was sitting at around about $80, so I thought I would add $200 dollars to my stack after the next hand to bring it up to more like the rest of the table and put the money on the table. I looked down at my hand and it was pocket Aces! The dealer looks at me and says, is this that money in play? I don't know what sort of lunacy took hold of me, or if I was just to excited to see the big ones but, inexplicably I say"no its in play for the next hand" - mentally that was what I'd decided and if I'd changed my mind after looking at the cards, it would be a bit kind of obvious.
Anyway I raise, other guy reraises I ship it, he instacalls and tables pocket kings. I'm now looking to double up to about $160 instead of the $560 I would have had had the money been in play....

....however, the 2nd card out is a king and I,m busted. $200 saved - I go on to have a profitable session using the $200 - the whole thing was a kind of strange offering from the poker gods.